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Senin, 25 Maret 2013


A. BACKGROUNDEducation became the foundation for the advancement of a nation in free market competition with all its problems. As has been argued that the history of education of a community / nation, has formed a special character or a national character in question, which is often called the national identity. Through the process of education, national character or national identity is nurtured and developed so that a nation can manifest advantages and strengths compared to other nations. And through the process of education, a nation trying to achieve progress in various areas of their lives, both in the economic, social, political, military, science, technology, and other areas of life in the cultural life of the other. Through the educational process as well, a nation trying to achieve certain goals planned.
B. THEOLOGICAL PROBLEM1. What is education?2. How view educational purposes by M.J. Langeveld, Ki Hajar Dewantoro, John Dewey, JJ.Rousseau?3. Starting from when phase / periodization of education?
C. PURPOSE and OBJECTIVES1. Knowing and understanding more about the importance of pendidika2.Mengetahui and understand the purpose of education by MJ Langevald, Kihajar Dewantoro, John Dewey, JJ. Rousseau?3. know the phase / periodization in demanding education.

A. UNDERSTANDING EDUCATIONEtymologically foreign terms that are often used to interpret the word education is; pedagogie (Greek), and education (Latin). Pedagogie word itself is a series of two Greek words: PIAs (children) and ago (my guide). Thus pedagogie mean my guiding children. Meanwhile, according to Khursyid Ahmad said education comes from the Latin word, e, ex (out) means to get out, and ducare duc (organize, lead, give up). So that education has the meaning of gathering and conveying information (lesson), and channel / pull talent out. In the practice of education, activities such as organizing, leading and directing talents of children is a major activity.In contrast to developed countries or countries that have long modern growth and development to become a prosperous country prosperous and strong, both economic, social, political, cultural, and so forth; then countries is growing, according to the his nickname, was just starting to rise organize the development of various aspects of life, both economically, socially, culturally. Politics, science and technology, and so on. Some characteristics of countries that are developing are:1) Politically, it is generally a new experience of freedom or escape from western colonialism.2) Economically, the generally poor and is still heavily dependent on natural resources.3) Demographically, generally densely populated, with a population growth rate due to high birth.4) In culture, sturdy stick to the traditional cultural heritage from generation to generation. These features, of course, a lot of influence, if it can not be said to define the shape and development of the education system. In the framework of national development, the nations that are developing these in general are focusing attention on the development of the education system

national, in the sense that characters that exist in the nation in question, the basis for educational policies.While the terminological point of view, the opinion of experts is quite diverse education in providing educational sense, and in fact, the notion pendidikanini always progressing, although essentially not too much different, here are some understanding of education proposed by the experts.1. LangeveldEducation is every business, influence, protection and assistance provided to the child drawn to the maturation of the child, or rather help children do their job quite capable themselves. The influence comes from adults or (or created by adults such as a school, the book, the daily round of life, and so on) and geared to minors.2. John DeweyEducation is the process of establishing the fundamental abilities intellectually and emotionally toward nature and fellow humans.3. Ki Hajar DewantaraEducation is the guidance on the growth of children's lives, while the meaning of education is guided every klekuatan nature that exist in children, so that they are as human beings and as members of society and it can be reached safety the highest happiness.From some sense or educational boundaries provided by experts, although semantically different, but the essential elements are unity or factors contained therein, namely that the notion of education shows a process of counseling, guidance or leadership in which there are elements elements such as educators, students, goals and so on.B. EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVESAbout the purpose of education, can not not invite us to talk about the purpose of life, the goal of human life. Because education is a tool used by men to maintain the continuation of life (survival) both as individuals and as a society. Man in an attempt to maintain the continuation of his life, trying to pass on cultural values ​​from one generation to the next. Thus, people can live forever. But not only is it the function of education; function of education to another is the development of innate potential or the potential of nature that exist in individuals, that can be used by itself, and so on by the community. To face the environmental challenges in the ever-changing times. As the sense development of children in school, causing children can create modern tools to address, for example: floods, earthquakes, cold, wind pickaxe, volcanic eruption, a long distance, and others, with create tools and modern technology to answer tantangandan menaggulangi these problems. Example given, is to prove that education is the tool used to maintain the continuity of human life. Thus, the goal of education should proceed from the purpose of human life.What is the purpose of life, or what do we live, has caused answers and worldviews different: but Islam gave a firm answer on this, which is as defined in the Qur'an, letter of Adz Dzariyat 56, which means : It is I created the jinn and mankind except that they worship (serve) to Me. The purpose of human life according to the teachings of Islam is "to serve or worship to God" or worship to God. " In general worship God means doing what God assigned him to the best of best, with full responsibility. Operationally, worship is defined as "mengembangkaan properties arau the names of God's beautiful in man, and the names of the beautiful God in man, the man is able to carry out the duties of the caliphate on earth. (See the letter of Al An'am, verse 165). Worship and a caliph in the earth "is the purpose of human life according to the teachings of Islam.The purpose of life is at the Muslim educational purposes according to the teachings of Islam, or Islamic educational purposes, throughout its history, from the time of the Prophet. until now.Goals or objectives of education above it can be translated into operational sillabus and subjects taught at all levels of education, ranging from low-level, intermediate and college, even in educational institutions or non-formal educational institutions outside the school .Education is the gateway progress of a nation and civilization. Successful education and advanced it is definitely done with the process and methodology better established. Meanwhile, according to Ki Hajar Dewantara (the father of the Indonesian national education, 1889-1959) explains the meaning of education: "education generally means the power to memajukakn character (the character, inner strength), mind (Intelect).In the Indonesian Dictionary, 1991:232, on Understanding Education, which comes from the word "students", then word gets prefix of the word "me" so as to "educate" means to maintain and provide training.1. M. J, LangeveldIn relation to education stage-tahapantujuan, M. J, Langeveld classifies educational objectives into: general purpose, objectives incomplete, incidental purpose, goals and objectives while intermediaries.a) General PurposeThe general objective is also called with the final, complete objectives and goals total. Called the ultimate goal, because it is the end goal of any educational endeavor. Called a complete destination, because it is the main purpose of the purposes below, meaning that every goal in education should lead to a common goal. It said the total goal, because to achieve this goal directs all the power and capabilities.b) Special PurposeThe specific objective is a more detailed explanation of the purpose of a special umum.tujuan made in order to facilitate the achievement of specific objectives umum.tujuan is usually prepared by considering the conditions specified circumstances distinction. For example, the ideals of a nation's development, the task of educational institutions of education level, the child's ability level, and others.c) the purpose is not lengkaTujuan incomplete educational purposes only partially directed at aspects; artistic, educational intelektualketerampilan.tujuan incomplete in should stay bberlandaskan on educational goals can not walk Senndiri umum.jadi own.d) The purpose incidentalThe purpose insedentildisebut immediate objectives or goals also appears sesaat.tujuanBy coincidence, a sudden or abrupt, and it is only sesaat.misalnya, aim to hold or to provide a variety of entertainment in the lives of school field trip were held to certain places. With demikan incidental purpose has been completed if the activities in the plan has been implemented.e) goal whileSemetara purpose is educational goals to be achieved in face-specific face of the educational process, for example, children are given reading and writing. If the child has been good at reading and writing objectives have been achieved while. but not up here actually, because children are taught to read and write so that he can study literature also ada.inipun temporary purpose. So much so until it finally boils down to the final destination (general)f) The purpose intermediariesThe purpose intermediate or intermediate goal is the goal of education is the means to achieve the goals lain.misalnya, students in the given language lessons arab.tujuanya was so he could menaalah books written in Arabic. Dition, learn Arabic simply as a tool / means that students are able to learn from the literature in Arabic.2. Kihajar DewantoroThe purpose of education according to Kihajar Dewantoro is "self-control" because this is where education humanize humans (humanization). Self-control is a step that must be addressed to achieve human mamanusiakan education. When all students are able to control themselves, they will be able to also determine its position. Thus will grow independent and mature attitude. In the concept of Ki Hajar Dewantara education there are 2 things that should be distinguished from the system of teaching and education should synergism with each other. Teaching is liberating human beings from outer aspects of life (poverty and ignorance). And indeed, the purpose of education is achieved excellence in their students lives.3. John DeweyAccording to John Dewey that any business or purpose of education is a means to achieve other goals of higher education. John Dewey emphasized the achievement of the means to achieve higher goals.4. JJ.RousseauJJ. Rousesau found at the base (origin) of his humans the good, be bad (evil) because of the influence of environment. Basic education according to Rousseau is the nature and purpose of education is to form an independent free man. The nature of education is individualistic and the individual (child) should be kept away from the influence of society and even kept away from his parents. The results of his thought of the book Le Contract Social contains state science and Emile containing how to educate children into adulthood good.
C. PHASE / periodization ISLAMIC EDUCATIONIn this section are some things that will be discussed include Islamic education during preconception, prenatal period of Islamic education, Islamic education infancy, childhood education, Islamic education adolescence, adulthood education. Islamic Education preconception periodPreconception education is the beginning of a marriage or collectively, the mate selection, that is, when a man looking for a woman who can work in a foster home happy. Also a woman looking for a husband who has high intelligence because intelligence is the primary means to obtain success in society. (Kartono, 1977: 204). Selection of the candidate's wife or husband based on certain criteria affect offspring because children's education. This is in accordance with the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad. as cited by Muhammad Ali Qutb (1993: 2): choose (future wife) for a sperm because descent was very influential.
 Islamic education during prenatalThis period lasted from meeting the egg of a mother. With spermatozoid a father until the baby is born perfect. Prenatal period is very important because it is the beginning of life.At this time, the fetus is closely associated with his mother. Therefore, a mother is obliged to maintain its contents, among others, by eating nutritious foods, avoid collisions, keeping the emotions and feelings of sadness that a prolonged stay away from alcohol, and many more things that must be considered by a mother during pregnancy. (Nawawi, 1993: 151).Faith formation should begin in the womb, in line with the growth of personality. Various psychiatric expert observation suggests that the fetus is in the womb can have the effect of attitudes and emotional state of the mother who conceived him. It is visible in the psychiatric care, where family circumstances when the child in the womb, have an influence on the mental health of the fetus in the future. (Zakiah Daradjat, 1995: 55)
 infancy Islamic EducationInfancy runs from age 0 to 3 years. After the child is born, it is necessary to prayer echoed ear, so that was the first experience of hearing through the core of monotheism sentence recognition and glory of Allah and Muhammad's prophethood. Doctrine to victory and calls to worship ends with the statement and the majesty and the oneness of God. Newborns did not understand the meaning of the word "monotheism" in prayer, but the basis of faith and Islam have entered into the heart. In the view of Islam, humans since birth has been equipped by God with a religious nature. Islamic Education childhoodChildhood education takes place at the age of 3 to 12 years. At the age of 3-6 years, children have the egocentric nature of (royalty). Therefore, he was in the center of the display of children with challenging fun attitude or reject anything that comes from the people around him. Therefore, parents should be patient in educating their children. (Daradjat, 1995: 155).Developments during this period lasts from 3-12 years of age and the children are divided into three phases, as follows:a) Beginning in childhoodAt the beginning of this period around the age of up to five years. Progress is marked by the emergence of egocentric attitude in every child. This period is also called the small adolescence. This period was also the very first crisis requires patience and wisdom bsertindak of parents as educators. Parents should not impose its will on the children, but in children the habit should be cultivated to do something nice and introduced discipline. (Nawawi, 1993: 155).When viewed from the religious aspect, in this age children do not have the religious consciousness, but he has the potential psychological and basics of life with God. The development of religious consciousness and the children are very influenced by the belief, attitude, and behavior of their parents. (Ahyadi, 1988: 40).
b) Mid-childhoodThis period lasted from 6 to 9 years. This period is very important for laying the basis for further development through schools or madrasas as educational institutions. At this time, the child is initially targeted at himself and is self-centered start focused on the outside world, especially the behavior of the people around him, courtesy, and manner of behaving in accordance with the home and school environment. (Ahyadi, 1988: 43).
c) End of childThis period lasted at age 9 to 12 years. The period is a continuation of the previous period are characterized by various psychological aspects of maturity required to be able to participate in formal education.
 adolescence Islamic EducationThis period lasted from age 12 to 21 years consisting of three phases, as follows:
a) The pre-teenThis phase lasts from age 12 to 15 years. This phase is characterized by increasing social attitudes in children. Symptoms are dominant in this period is a pervasive tendency to compete among peers and the same sex. In this period there is a very good chance to help the child, as well as the science and technology in accordance with the level of intellectual development. Also fosters a sense of responsibility and respect for the values, especially those derived from the religion of Islam. In a simple concept, children need to be introduced to the meaning or intent of some of God's word about responsible attitudes and abilities in life. (Nawawi, 1993: 165).
b) PubertyThis period lasted until dengan18 at age 15 years. This period is the final step for the individual in preparing him to become an independent adult. In this phase many children in crisis, but the crisis was not felt since the early heavy if children and young people have lived in a family that puts the teachings of Islam as a guide. If the teen has been embedded within religious values ​​then as believers, he will always be able to address the problems of life, whether that comes from within and from outside.
c) The end of adolescenceThis period takes place between the ages of 18 to 21 years and is also called early adulthood. At this time, the establishment and development of a personal moral system in line with the growth of the individual religious experience. Through religious consciousness and experience of the deity, teens will eventually find its Lord means finding keperibadiaannya. (Ahyadi, 1988: 48).
 adulthood Islamic EducationAt the age of consent is usually a person already has a mature personality trait. They already have a responsibility to the value system of his choice, good value system derived from religious norms or who are in life, or religion.


Education every nation must have an ideology, values, ideals, vision, and methods to achieve the faithful develop the nation and country. Thus, education is not merely a process of knowledge transfer and encourage students to make preparations to answer repeated statement when the season arrives. However, there are four basic domains that must be understood and made reference to any process of education in Indonesia, namely that each student knows and understands her potential so feel steady later on when choosing a direction that suits their talents and interests. Second, know the character and potential of the potential to be maintained and developed. Third, understand the History of nation and identity to be maintained his honor and his people prospered. Fourth, teachers and students also need to have regional-global insight though briefly about what is and will happen at the international level.

written by: Ernawati, dkk

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